Commercial Landscaping Blog

Lawn Care Posts

Smart Landscaping: Build a Purposeful Lawn

It’s hard to imagine a time before tidy green lawns. But, the aesthetic of short, well-kept grass can be traced back to France in the 1700s. Back then, the sheer amount of manual labor required for upkeep meant that only the rich could afford it.

Aerating is Good for Your Lawn But it’s Not Always Necessary

Heavy usage, pedestrian traffic, and large mowing equipment compact soils and inhibit the exchange of air, water, and nutrients in lawns. Some soils, like the heavy clay found in Lexington and Louisville, compact more easily than others. This...

Alternate Groundcovers To Pachysandra, A Boxwood Blight Carrier

The groundcover Pachysandra terminalis might be the most common groundcover planted around boxwood. It is attractive, hardy, and tolerant to many of the most challenging landscape conditions: shade, drought, pest, and even deer.

3 Ways To Put Fall Leaves to Work on Your Commercial Property

At times, Klausing Group’s goal of leading the landscape industry means returning to an old practice rather than inventing a new one. Fallen leaves are a valuable resource, and the industry’s practice of removing them is often not the most practical...

Have We Seen The End Of The Gas Powered Leaf Blower?

Should gas powered leaf blowers be banned? In a recent argument posted by 'The Atlantic,' journalist James Fallows says, “Yes, they should.” He points out the dangerous level of noise emitted by hand-held, gas-powered blowers, and argues that there...

A Saturated Spring Means Dead Plants in Summer

It’s the gift that keeps on giving: this year’s record breaking wet spring (nearly 170% above normal) is likely to linger on into the summer when it comes to its effects on the landscape. Why? Because wet spring weather creates perfect conditions...

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