Commercial Landscaping Blog

Purchasing Tips Posts

The Pitfalls of T&M Snow Contracts: Incentivizing the Wrong Practices

Snow management is a critical aspect of property maintenance, especially in regions prone to routine snowfall. Property managers often enter into time and material snow management contracts with the belief that these agreements save money and reduce...

Investing in Perennials Pays Dividends

Commercial real estate managers spend a lot of time doing cost benefit analysis. How can investing now reduce future expense? Decisions often boil down to the price of the investment relative to its savings potential. Rarely do opportunities come...

Cutting Expenses Due to Covid-19? Partner with Your Account Manager

We are living through one of the most challenging social and economic times in modern history. Businesses are faced with unprecedented choices; scenarios most had never considered. Commercial real estate managers are looking for ways to cut expenses...

5 Steps To Securing Your Commercial Landscape Contract Before The Grass Gets Out Of Hand

Traditionally, the start of the mowing season in northern Kentucky has been April 1. However, we’ve seen the date of first mowing creep back well into March in recent years. This has caught more than one property manager by surprise. For instance,...

A Closer Look At Our Landscape Management Budget Planning Tool

There’s an old saying: That which can be measured can be controlled. Many times, landscape budgets are put together based on the previous year’s numbers—and often, only that big round number at the bottom of the budget is what grabs property...

How Much Does Commercial Landscape Maintenance Cost?

You are soliciting bids from several landscape companies to provide services for your commercial property—mowing, edging, pruning, mulching. The bids come in, and you’re surprised to find a variation in pricing for what you believe are the same...

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