Commercial Landscaping Blog

Tree and Shrub Care Posts

Smart Landscaping: Build the Tree Canopy

If you’ve ever driven out of the city on a summer day, you’ve probably noticed that the temperature drops as you leave, especially at night. Urban areas with lots of buildings, concrete, and pavement experience a phenomenon called the heat island...

Corporate Sustainability Plans Should Include Tree Care

Corporate sustainability plans are inspiring. They often include initiatives like harnessing the power of the sun, harvesting rainwater, and installing a green roof. These initiatives are exciting but often overshadow an affordable, sustainable...

How to Prune Boxwoods to Minimize the Threat of Boxwood Blight

Boxwood blight, or boxwood leaf drop, is a relatively new fungal plant disease that was first identified in the UK in the 1990’s. Since then it has spread to many areas of the world, and has become a disease of great concern in the U.S. Boxwood...

Disease Threatens Boxwoods In Kentucky

Boxwood Blight is a serious disease spreading through Kentucky. It is in several counties and has been identified in several locations in Lexington. It causes fast defoliation of plants, spreads through plantings quickly, and can kill in one growing...

A Saturated Spring Means Dead Plants in Summer

It’s the gift that keeps on giving: this year’s record breaking wet spring (nearly 170% above normal) is likely to linger on into the summer when it comes to its effects on the landscape. Why? Because wet spring weather creates perfect conditions...

Protecting Your Plants During Winter

Winter damage on plants is common in Kentucky. The damages occur for various reasons and can oftentimes be prevented. Here are some tips for preventing and/or minimizing winter damage to your plants which in turn saves you money by avoiding costly...

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