Smart landscaping is more than just which shrubs you choose or how many trees you plant. It’s not a quick decision or a budget move. It also requires you to consider the how: How do you create a smart landscape? Who’s doing the work? How are they getting it done? These are the two primary components to this consideration: the people and the equipment they use. Both are investments that pay in dividends later on.
Invest in People
A growing body of research shows that investing in your employees — providing a living wage, offering benefits like paid time off and healthcare — is good for people and for business. Are you offering a living wage for year-round and seasonal employees? Do you offer paid time off and healthcare?
Beyond compensation, research suggests that offering opportunities for development can empower people to invest in themselves and their careers. And when you invest in employees, they invest in you. Loyalty increases, turnover decreases. Promotion comes from the inside. Customer satisfaction increases.
Invest in Tools
Investing in smart landscaping tools is an expansive topic. It involves everything from green infrastructure at your facilities to reconsidering how and when we apply product.
Green infrastructure is a specialty type of construction. It requires a unique skillset and expertise apart from typical landscape construction. It can include rain gardens, green roofs, permeable pavers, and more. Implementing green infrastructure at your facility is an impactful way to apply smart landscaping from the inside out.
Gas-powered equipment consumes a disproportionately large amount of fossil fuels given its size, is physically demanding to operate, and is incredibly loud. For example, a gas-powered leaf blower can emit as much as 300 times the air pollutants as a single pickup truck. An electric leaf blower? It emits zero pollutants. And, it’s about 20% quieter, lighter, and requires significantly less maintenance. At Klausing, we are committed to investing in electric-powered equipment. And, as we replace vehicles, we are opting for hybrid and electric options.
Beyond equipment, we also consider the type, amount, and frequency of products such as pesticides, fertilizers, and other treatments. What is the impact, positive and negative, on the full ecosystem? Smart landscaping does not necessarily mean wholly abstaining from product use; only more intentional (and perhaps sparser) application.
Interested in learning more? Find out the benefits of green infrastructure. Read about the end of the gas-powered leaf-blower. Learn how we’re committed to the health and safety of our team and customers.