Commercial Landscaping Blog

Green Infrastructure Posts

Blue Collar Landscapes Work Harder

If you spend most days in Lexington, almost all of the plants you see were planted by landscapers or homeowners (that nasty free-seeding honeysuckle and our remarkable pre-settlement oaks and ashes excepted). The trees, lawns, and hedges might seem...

Common Obstacles to Green Infrastructure Implementation

Green infrastructure (GI) refers to the use of landscape elements to improve the urban environment. This includes green spaces and urban forests as well as innovative sustainability projects such as green roofs, permeable pavers, and rain gardens.

Nine Eco-Friendly Landscaping Techniques To Put Into Practice Today

When we talk about decreasing our environmental footprint or creating sustainable landscapes, the concept feels so big—and the little things we do for our landscapes might not seem like enough to make a difference. But this is not the case at all!...

5 Cost Benefits of Green Infrastructure—Landscapes Can Do More And Save More

Before committing to any type of property investment—landscaping or otherwise—the first question most owners ask is: What’s the cost? As a steward of their budgets and mindful of ROI, property owners want validation the dollars they spend on a...

Improve Your Property By Installing A Prairie

A prairie can transform the makeup of a property, by taking a piece of ground that would typically be turf grass and converting it into a habitat for wildlife that will give much more back to the environment. On large commercial properties, there...

Elements of Successful Green Infrastructure Projects

Green infrastructure is a specialty type of construction very different than typical landscape construction requiring a unique skill set and expertise. Our team includes experts in horticulture, ecology, design, and construction with decades of...

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