Commercial Landscaping Blog

Grounds Management Posts

3 Ways To Put Fall Leaves to Work on Your Commercial Property

At times, Klausing Group’s goal of leading the landscape industry means returning to an old practice rather than inventing a new one. Fallen leaves are a valuable resource, and the industry’s practice of removing them is often not the most practical...

Have We Seen The End Of The Gas Powered Leaf Blower?

Should gas powered leaf blowers be banned? In a recent argument posted by 'The Atlantic,' journalist James Fallows says, “Yes, they should.” He points out the dangerous level of noise emitted by hand-held, gas-powered blowers, and argues that there...

5 Landscape Projects To Get Your Kentucky Commercial Property Ready For Winter

With the change in seasons naturally come changes to your commercial landscaping maintenance. In addition to final mowing, fall is the time to think about cleaning up your commercial property and preparing for the winter ahead. These five tasks will...

6 Small Additions to Commercial Landscape Contracts That Can Make a Huge Impact on Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is a subtle message sent to current and potential customers when they drive by or visit your commercial property. Without using words, it says a lot about your business - and we all know about the impact of first impressions on your...

Disease Threatens Boxwoods In Kentucky

Boxwood Blight is a serious disease spreading through Kentucky. It is in several counties and has been identified in several locations in Lexington. It causes fast defoliation of plants, spreads through plantings quickly, and can kill in one growing...

Problematic Turf Areas Every Kentucky Property Manager Has To Deal With

Want to see eyes roll and heads shake? Just walk into a room full of Kentucky property managers and mention grass problems. Many people believe lush, green turf is the hallmark of a healthy landscape—and grass is such a simple-looking plant, it...

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