Commercial Landscaping Blog

Snow and Ice Posts

How To Prepare Your Property For The First Snowfall

With the way temperatures fluctuate in Central Kentucky during this time of year, we’re officially into the season where one day it could be balmy—and the next day, snow flurries could start flying. Are you prepared for the first snowfall?

The Best Snow Removal Companies In Lexington, KY

Now is the time to secure a contract with a snow removal company so you can ensure that your commercial property will be safe and clear during winter. In Lexington, Ky., there are a number of snow contractors advertising services—how do you know...

How Much Does Snow Removal Cost in Kentucky?

“You get what you pay for.” This old saying applies to a range of purchase decisions a commercial property manager must make to care for their grounds, including snow and ice removal services. If you are collecting bids for snow removal, you might...

Warm Winter Having Your Budget Feeling Flush?  Reinvest In Your Landscape.

Predicting how much snow will fall during winter is ultimately a guessing game. Most property owners look back on previous years’ records to create a snow and ice management budget. The problem is our Kentucky winters could be snowy one year and...

Do Winter Storms Have Your Budget Feeling Blue?

Predicting the weather is nearly impossible. If you pay per push, you probably budget for snow removal based on past winters’ expenses. Where does your snow removal budget stand at mid-winter? Did you allocate enough to keep your property clear and...

Your Guide To Commercial Snow Removal In Lexington and Louisville, KY

Winter in central Kentucky the last few years has brought more snow than we can remember, setting records for accumulation and putting a lot of stress on facility managers to keep properties clear and safe. We love the outdoors—we think snow is...

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